Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Years Resolutions & new recipe for the adventurous

Happy New Year friends!  I have been evaluating my resolutions very carefully over the past few weeks.  I have taken some time off to think things over and have come to some very great conclusions about my upcoming year in health and fitness.

2011 Resolutions in Fitness

* 10,000 steps a day (I track this with my fitbit that my husband got me)
* Improve sleep efficiency (integrated naps to produce a smaller nightly sleep time)
* More recreational fitness (yoga 4 days a week, aerial classes)
* Integrating a 6 wk. pre-hab (see Four Hour Body) to restore imbalances in my muscle growth, balance, and flexibility
* After pre-hab, introduce strength training and running into workouts
* Record workouts and progress daily

2011 Resolutions in Healthy Eating
* Weekly meal planning (first week down and it was a HIT with my husband, and so much fun to have every week pre-planned and shopped for)
* Reduce all pasta, flour (including most grains), white refined grains and sugars to one designated day a week (Saturday) -- this is not for weight loss reasons, though I would recommend this for weight loss--it is for health purposes.  Think I'm crazy?  Maybe I am. ;)
* cut back on artificial sweeteners (just as harmful as real sweeteners)
* Increase veggies, proteins, and legume intake
* Cook as much as possible (every day--I already do)

I have my own detailed version of these goals, but I am super excited about prehab, recording progress, losing the sweets--so hard, but SO worth it.

What are your 2011 health and fitness goals?  Any suggestions for me? 

 One more thing... I have a new recipe to share...super simple, super quick, and a bit adventurous.  It starts with the amazing food processor my parents bought me for Christmas.  Life has been so much easier and cooking has never been so fun!  Removing  flour from my diet has taken out a key component to my past survival: and that is bread (including whole grain)....GASP!  This is a personal choice my husband and I have made, so do some research before you jump on the band wagon, because it may not be for everyone.  Anyway, this is a pancake recipe with no flour.  You could get creative and make crepes, wraps,  etc. so if you figure out recipe specifics on variations of this let me know!  This is really yummy, really filling, and extremely healthful.

Flour-less Pancakes (This makes about 1 serving depending on how much you eat, male/female, etc.)


2 eggs or 3-4 egg whites
1 cup lentils
2 carrots peeled
*any spices you wish to add, salt, pepper, etc.

Put all the ingredients in a food processor, give it a whir, and use a measuring cup (I used 1/4 cup for itsy bitsy pancakes) to spoon it out and onto a buttered/oiled skillet (I used grapeseed oil) on medium-high heat.  Flip when the edges are brown and the top gets bubbly in the center.  After the other side has cooked for a few minutes remove onto a plate and enjoy! 

Mine came out savory because I used lentils with onion and bay leaf flavorings, but if you experiment with different flavorings, let me know what is good.  I was THRILLED with this recipe.  It is filling, and actually quite good.  AND-it resembles pancakes surprisingly, though it is NOT the exact same.  Try it-let me know what you think!

Happy New Year and tell me about your fitness goals this year!