Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holiday Parties

Gee whiz!  I've never seen so many delicious treats in my life... Every day at work a visitor brings a new plate or canister of delicious holiday treats and each time is troublesome for me.  I am a chocolate lover and I have to say that the generosity of these people is amazing and their baked goodies are (probably) even better.  By Christmas time I'm told we'll have stacks and stacks of sweet treats awaiting digestion.  Oh no....

But you know what?  I'm confident that I don't even want them.  Here is why:

Most of it is processed junk with cancer causing dyes, HFCS, too much sugar, etc...  That being said, this isn't even close to the type of thing I want to eat when I'm indulging.  What do I do?  I put the stuff out of my line of vision.  I focus on what is for lunch and genuinely begin to crave healthy vegetables.  After lunch, I have a piece of a dark chocolate (70 percent) bar to satisfy my craving.  It works and I feel proud.  So not only am I eating healthy, but I have mentally become a stronger person for having gone through that test.  What fun!  After lunch, I take almonds and a piece of fruit to curb me over until I'm off work.  Again, the sugar in the fruit and the healthy fat in the almonds provide more satiety than a piece of candy ever could.

Now its a little harder to resist the home-made baked goods that people bring in.  I'm a big fan of cookies and can hardly ever resist them, but again I think of it as a mental exercise.  I like to bake a lot and generally follow the rule that I can eat it if I make it.  So if I want cookies, I just bake some up (something I can't afford to do often, nor is it something I have the time to do).  I then offer the already baked ones at work to other workers and visitors!  You can be healthy, whilst spreading the holiday cheer!

Holiday parties are another beast.  They seem to happen far too often to be good for us.  And everyone is always required to bring holiday cookies.  Its never salad, or fruit, or vegetable trays.  Always cookies.  So here is the deal-you have to pick your battles:

Skip dense, cheesy foods and go for spinach pies and stuffed mushrooms instead.

Pick the number of drinks you are going to have (preferably one or less) and stick to it.  After that, drink water.

Fill up on veggies.  

Be the one to bring the healthy option.  And just because its healthy doesn't mean it should be bland or boring.  Find a cool recipe.  I love for unique and highly flavorful ideas.

Eat protein.  Go for the shrimp cocktail, which is super yummy and healthy, too!  It will fill you up faster.  

Compromise and either pick one or two dessert items that are lower in calories and sugar, OR pick your favorite dessert and indulge in one light serving, but don't OVER indulge. 

Eat slowly and only until you are 75 percent full and fill up the rest of the way with H20!  

HAVE FUN and be social.  Busy yourself with friends, laughter, and Christmas spirit.  

It is all about balance so don't stress and have good boundaries this holiday season!

Thoughts?  What do you do to stay healthy at holiday parties?


  1. Not gonna lie...I have the discipline of Winnie the Pooh when it comes to indulging in yummy foods...but this post makes it seem do-able even for me! Great tips Laura!
