Monday, November 8, 2010

How increasing low intensity activity levels promotes better health

A growing amount of research suggests that smaller bouts of low intensity exercise has some pretty great health benefits.  Most people have busy schedules and can't eat as healthy as they would like, or get into the gym as much as they want.  I definitely think that exercising regularly with moderate intensity is important (and should not be taken OUT of our routines), but what about the rest of our lives?  Or how about those who just can't pull out another trip to the gym? 

Research suggests that incorporating low intensity exercises into your work day can burn anywhere from an extra 330 to 1000 calories a day!  It is these small changes in our lives that add up and keep that extra weight off (especially with the holidays coming up).  In addition, incorporating MORE low intensity activity decreases time spent being sedentary.  In other words, if you are moving more doing just about anything outdoors or around the house, you are spending less time sitting which will help to prevent weight gain, promote weight loss, increase energy, and encourage your children, friends, and family to follow suit.  So how can you make these changes in your daily routine?  It's easy!

How to increase your low intensity exercise:

  •  Take the stairs as much as you can
  •  Get a pedometer (try to increase your steps each day with a goal of 10,000 steps a day)
  •   Take a walk after dinner, or meals.  Take your family along!
  •  Instead of taking a load off on your lunch break, re-energize yourself and take a walk in the great   outdoors; Learn to appreciate God's beautiful creation around you.
  •  Drink lots of water.  This is a doubly awesome tip.  You hydrate, but it will also cause you to have to get up and take a walk to the restroom several times; Take the long route. :)
  •  Park far away from the door everywhere you go
  • Walk or bike to work, or take public transportation whenever you can
  • Actually DO daily housework, or play with the kids!

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